

Athebaldt, eleVn

Annyeong, friends! I am Ellen, the daughter of a dwarf and a dark elf, so I have opposite traits of character combined in my personality: curiosity, dwarves luck and optimism along with the serious mind and aloofness at times. I love to create and be up, especially to sing and draw, though I am not perfect at that, but I do it with all my soul. / here should be a joke that gingers have no soul / I cannot say that I have a profound game experience or a hero title, but it was Lineage II a few years ago that completely discouraged me from playing all other games, and made me a devoted fan :) I would like to say a few words about tattoos. They have an effect on such a stat as temper. The action is similar to a LUC tattoo, so it is triggered 1 time out of n, and is accompanied by an animation in the form of a dragon spreading its wings over the character. Temper is revealed as 10-second bonus for protection and/or attack upon receiving significant damage in PvP. Thank you for your attention. Good luck in the world of l2 :)

1st Stage