Greetings and may the blessing of Eva be with you. Belka is my name and I am a Sword Singer. Well, this might sound as a diagnosis :D Lineage 2 has gradually become an important part of my life filling it with bright moments and leaving the gloomy reality of a snowed city behind. I owe this marvelous world so many emotions, impressions and great acquaintances which I wish to keep in my heart forever. I used to play on Esthus before Goddess of Destruction update. Right after Classic server had opened its gates I found myself on Shillien. Not long ago I graduated. Something I am really fond of is being an artisan, including wood engraving, which doesn’t sound typical :D And I really love reading fantasy. My tattoo is “Yggdrasil” – the great world tree connecting all dimensions. In my instance, it symbolizes connection of real life and the world of Lineage 2. It adds +30 to CON (pretty handy at AOE), +15 to observation (you always need to watch around, enemies never sleep) and +50 to fun. Cheerful Sword Singer guarantees a cheerful party. I wish good luck to everyone. See you in Elmoreden!