Hello!) Friends call me Olga, my friends in game know me as Heylisse, but for some people I am just Lyolya) A lot has changed since the last year's contest, I moved to another country to my beloved one, whom, by the way, I met here, in Lineage 2; I changed my circle of contacts, I met new friends and engaged in new hobbies. But one thing remains unchanged: we continue to play Lineage 2! :) And no less of events and changes happened in the life of my Kamael girl... "...Hellbound stayed behind in the deserted sands. We left this scorched land, which was our refuge for so many months. Now our path was leading us to the fortress of Atelia. While my team stayed for a night near Oren, I hurried to tattoo master Hayden in the city, clutching a piece of leather with a sketch for a new tattoo depicted on it. If only he agrees to tattoo this symbol of chaos, the same symbol that adorned the body of Rodenpicula, the greatest fighter of my race, in his final battle form. Sometimes it is difficult to explain to others that the same dark blood flows in the body of Kamaels and a seed of Chaos is flickering in their chests. But we do not bear the evil, we just feel it in a different way. The best way to resist evil is to taste it. I was looking forward to the moment when the dark energy fills my body and makes me feel the ancient power of my race ... "