Hello everyone, I'm Vic, I'm 21 years old. I live in the beautiful city of Sevastopol. I am a fifth-year navigator student :) I have been playing Lineage 2 for 6.5 years. I made a break once, but I'm back now. At the beginning of my journey in the game I played SwS, and in GOD I became an Aeore Healer. The topic of the contest "You are the best tattoo artist" is sympathetic to me, I am currently learning tattooing, but so far on the artificial leather only. Hopefully soon I'll find a victim to create my first masterpiece on :3 It has been a while since I made my photos but for a long time I had not dare to take part in the contest, I was advised to make a tattoo which gives +100 courage and so here I am) Actually my tattoo symbolizes courage (**,) and pouches under the eyes symbolize the spirit of nerdiness :D