

Airin, IrinaViktorovna

Hello everybody! My name is Irina, I live in Moscow, I've been playing in Lineage 2 for a long time, first with my older brother, who showed me the game, he needed a support and native sister had to play with him, whether she liked it or not :) As time went on, things were changing, but I have not stopped playing Lineage 2, I love this game, and let it be blamed for graphics and monotone gameplay, but for me it is precious and unique. Now let's talk about the tattoo, this tattoo is called "Nymph" (+10 STR +10 CON and -10% to damage reflection) there would be only an in-game way to get it via gathering in large alliances. At this very moment I would say goodbye, good luck in the competition, and regardless of the outcome, cheer up!

1st Stage