

Airin, Rhipsime

Greetings, people of Elmoraden! My name is Rita. In the outside world I study architecture, enchant my CON with sleepless nights that I spend drawing all kinds of sketches. That is why I did my best at designing my tattoo trying to give it a part of my soul and character. And a tiara on top… Had to use my charm to make this dwarf share his resources and tools (what a meanie). I spend my free time doing capoeira and used to do artistic gymnastics till I reached level 14 because being agile was always important to me. However, any student wants to become a hero once in a while and calm down 80-level elf inside of him… For that purpose I open a portal casting a spell on a keyboard, a product of weird technology of modern age, and travel to the fantasy world of Lineage 2 under a nickname of Rhipsime. Oh, all kinds of courageous and heroic battles are waiting for me there! Follow me in the portal, friends and meet me on the other side! Legendary Dye of Mockery (DEX +5 STR +5) +25% attack speed +150% critical strike chance +3000 critical strike damage ! Secret attack 99% chance of doing irreparable damage to self-concept by some serious mockery (do not try to provoke), after this your character gets +50% speed and ability to fly.

1st Stage