Good afternoon, my name is Alexander, it is a twenty-fifth year from my birth on this wonderful planet. I was born in Ukraine, but for more than twenty years I live in a beautiful region of Moldova, about half of this time is in some ways related to the reason why I'm writing this story, and you're reading it, it's Lineage 2. Me myself, I wonder how I manage to combine work (there is more than one), sports and la2, and, well, my private life at times). For various reasons I played Lineage 2 main version on Russion official servers and I quit, but later I heard about the launch of a classic version from a friend who had come to buy batteries and then it started it all over again, and I am very happy. I can give the names of a dozen people whom I have met in la2, among them there are people both from my country and from abroad. For me Lineage2 is not just a game, it's a specific social area that influence the way of life of those who are in it, I'm one of them! My tattoo is intended to influence movement speed of a warrior, or attack power, both magical and physical, the bottom filled part of the tattoo symbolizes the lower limbs which take most of the blood supply, taking extra food from the top, as a result a warrior gets outflow of fighting force - STR, and magicians' INT suffers due to the outflow from the head and a character gets + 4 MS (movement speed) - 4 AP (attack power - P.Atk., M.Atk.) There is an opportunity to put opposite tattoo by filling the upper part, we end up with the opposite effect, 4 AP (attack power - P.Atk., M.Atk.) -4 MS (movement speed). There are unproved reports that a tattoo can take more MS than it gives in its first version, when it takes AP, because legs need more nutritious force produced by blood supply, it cannot take it from anywhere.