

Athebaldt, DivineBeauty

Hello! My name is Vyacheslav (on this side of the monitor), in the magic world of LineAge I'm mostly known as InrI. Biologically I am 26, but I feel "forever 18" :D. I live in a glorious city of Tomsk (or on game server Athebaldt). Our acquaintance with LII held back in 2006 (what a dinosaur am I), so most of the chronicles I've seen myself. I'm playing on Russian official servers from the date of their start, my latest haven is server Athebaldt. Since the game for me is rather chatting than a thirst for domination (due to a long stay in the game I have overcome the idea of ​​domination, and now I enjoy being a part of the community), I am an active member of forum contests - I make up puzzles and compose fan fiction stories (I am not a master so far, but I try ^_^) Back in 2010 I decided that my perfect soulmate would be a light elf rogue (wind rider, scientifically), and I have been playing it since then. Not even so, "I am proud to ascertain the fact that I am a Light Elf". And do not look at the photo, elves can be dark too. For this reason I have invented a tattoo just for my brothers of race. In my opinion nature itself, the lifeblood of the First Tree - Tree of Life, is flowing through the veins of every elf. Particles of its power are inseparable from the mind and body of its children. Therefore, each elf is a part of an evergreen forest, and forest is a part of us. Tattoo is called "Nature's Fury". Furious because of the approaching awakening of the Goddess of Destruction, the nature is suffering, it is poisoned with emanations, nature feels the pain, and its anger is growing worse. Trees symbolize life, along with it they hate enemies of life, the most dangerous of which are children of Shillien. Tattoos is available only for light elves. Upon killing a dragon (any of them) you can receive "emanations of evil" at a low chance (about 5%), there are 3 types of them ("emanation of toxic land" - from Antharas, "Emanation of deadly wind" - from Lindvior, "Emanation of fighter flame" - from Valakas). After collecting 3 emanations 1 bottle can be crafted (you need 10 of them out of tradition). The tattoo works as follows: tattoo skill success rate is 15%. In the case of success, upon the death of a light elf his blood falls to the ground, causing his killer feel the wrath of the Tree of Life and get debuff "Revenge of the Tree of Life." Sprouted springs entangle enemies, chaining him to the ground, decreasing by 50% all attack all defense characteristics and prohibiting healing magic for 10 seconds. Upon successful usage of tattoo, a light elf is resurrected with full HP and MP, and does not lose the experience upon death. PS: The inscription on the right wrist "I live only for you" and the logo on the left is L2 logo, and these are real tattoos ^ _ ^ That's all I wanted to say.

1st Stage