

Cadmus, Fucuoca

My name is Alimbek Arstanov. The first time I heard about L2 and saw it was шт army. Once I returned from the army, I registered, downloaded the client and started living in the game. I liked very much to run and look at various animals and to be killed by them! Not everything was clear, but after almost 5 years of playing I have understood how it is all working. I found a lot of good friends, and after so many years I keep on loving this game and its beautiful views, I still enjoy socializing with my friends, go through dungeons and try to grind at least anything to gear up according to the latest fashion. Now a bit about the tattoos, I drew 4 of them, I think you will understand what is the description for each tattoo. I think you will like it, dear players and Game Masters of the project Lineage 2. Tattoo description: Active tattoo skill, 1 min effect duration, 30 min cooldown. Tattoo "Dimension" returns critical attacks back to all party members. Passive tattoo skill, 30 min cooldown. Tattoo "Scream" removes you from target upon receiving huge damage. Active tattoo skill, 30 sec effect duration, 30 min cooldown. Tattoo "Psycho" increases HP, CP and MP 4 times upom use and applies a mighty buff. Passive tattoo skill, 15 sec effect duration, 30 min cooldown. Tattoo "Oath" detects the opponent's weapon attribute on receiving damage and decreases this attri. You can make those tattoos on your body, gear and head accessory. It costs 5kkk. Not more than 3 out of 4 tattoos for 1 character. So you have to think twice before buying and using it! The motivation is to make PvP even more interesting! I think they are quite useful in PvP.

1st Stage