

Blackbird, VashPaniker

Hi all, my name is Arthur, I'm known as VashPaniker in game. I've been playing Lineage2 for a long time, even with breaks. It all started with emerging of the MMORPG in Russia, but I got a real opportunity to play just in 2007. By that time I had graduated from university and I was recruited for military service. And after I returned back, my life brought me some disappointments before I met my wife. Once she recalled how long ago she had played L2. We decided to remember those days, and began to look up for Lineage 2 on the Internet, and so we came across Russian official servers. We downloaded it on our computers and began to refresh our memories about this beautiful world. Actually, I think it's enough about my game experience. After all, who cares about my interests beside the game: I'm fond of weapons, historical fencing and teaching archery. All in all, I wish you good luck. Both for those who read and didn't read it to the end. :-)

2nd Stage

1st Stage