

Elcardia, PinkyPie

Hello, people of Elmoraden! My name is Kir. My nickname in the game is PinkyPie on Elcardia (Lancer). I don’t play that much, but want to send greetings to people of my server! So, the topic of this contest is You are the best tattoo artist. I have 4 tattoos, but I’ll add another one and imagine there are ninth character stat in the world of L2. Strength/Dexterity/Constitution – the iron will of great warriors! Intelligence/Mental strength/Wisdom – unbreakable power of mages! Luck/Charisma… looks like a bottle of rum is missing on this set, some kind of a must-have for a pirate. Cheers, Captain Jack!  But we won’t try to change what is already been created and add another stat to the Korean set – Inspiration. Get a drop of myths, mix it with a pinch of legends and sprinkle ancient stories on top and… voilà, you can see the symbol of Inspiration on my fragile neck. I am an elf, after all ^^’ It is that simple. So, inspiration is an emotional thing that makes you shout “Woohoo” if you get lucky, it is that last sparkle that lights up the flame of hope for success. Onward! But there is a downside… it is the sad “Aww” when lady luck turns her back on you. For instance, a crafter with good INS and LUC will get a buff to all his stats for % of CHA upon successfully crafting an item. This way all three stats are connected together. I think I’ve started thinking just like our Korean friends… ^^’ Or the same effect could be achieved by visiting Tauti for a cup of tea. I can go on with this forever. So, you experienced developers, can get a piece of scene from all those mindless ideas of mine  Thank you all and good luck to the participants.

2nd Stage

1st Stage